To be young again. Just kidding, I wouldn't go back. I didn't
play as well learning as I do now after playing too many years to mention.
Still, it's my first good guitar and I bought it with money that I made
washing dishes at a restaurant.
I'm not sure why I took to the look of a Junior but it was probably Joe
Walsh's fault. I was, and am, a big Joe Walsh nut. In Guitar
World they had a write up on him and his tour for Got Any Gum and there was
a page or two that showed all of the guitars he was bringing on tour with
him. Sure enough, there was the single cutaway Junior. And then,
I don't know if it was the same magaizine, I saw a black and white picture
of him playing the Junior again (no slide), looking like he does in that

Junior just looks cool. I remember getting this in the spring and
right before my very first time playing in public with the first band I was
in, all at a high school dance. That's a lot of firsts. Once I got the Goldtop in 1990, this
was my main spare, instead of a "borrowed" partscaster I used to bring out.
Once I got a 1995 Les Paul Special (with P100s), the Junior pretty much
stayed home. That doesn't mean it didn't or doesn't get played.
Ever since I had an extra gig guitar, this got tuned up to Open E and has
been like that ever since.
If you hear slide on any song of mine, chances are it's this guitar, and
chances are it's this guitar with a BOSS DS-1. It's the slide guitar on
Woke and
Pool With A Rope (see below).
There's not much else I can say about the guitar. The only
modification to it was a refret. Everything else is stock. What
I like about this Junior opposed to the original '56, is this has a
Tune-o-matic bridge on it. 35 years later, they can't even do that on
current models and if I'm not mistaken, this would the only period a Junior
would get a Tune-o-matic.

Gibson Les Paul Junior (Tobacco Sunburst)
Serial No: 80477514
Price paid: $725 Cnd; Bought new 1988; chainsaw case

Solid Mahogany
Neck and Body
TTune-O-Matic, Stopbar
Fingerboard Inlay
Rosewood Dot
Scale Length
24 3/4"
1 P90

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And it's not going anywhere.
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